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Tasty Argentina meets little Haiti Maimi.
One-two beats of compas blast from a nearby speaker, neon-painted botanicas, hipster paradise known as Sweat Records, a the British pub Churchill's, Wynwoods Art District just around the corner.
On this polyglot strip in Little Haiti an Argentine restaurant opened in 2012, a tiny restaurant named after Villa Fiorito, a slum south of Buenos Aires close to where the owners once lived.
The outcome is a Haitian cafeteria filled with coiled light bulbs, red brick walls, and photographs, jersey signed by Diego Maradona in a corner and a fantastic meat.
Try their pumpkin soup, a glossy blend of puréed celery, zucchini, tomato, and squash, laced with homemade chili oil and diced provolone doting the surface,
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